Thursday, December 13, 2012

Meeting Minutes from November, 2012

November's meeting was held at the Saddle Club on the 28th and begun at 7:09 pm. Our American pledge was led by Lauren and our 4-H pledge by Jacob.

We have no dues and no expenses. Our current balance is $150.00.

Some things we discussed were, the workshop at the Vancouver Hilton who is taking down ideas for different booths/workshops, so if you have any good ideas, let Mary Jo know.

Also we wanted everyone who is a club member to know that you are most definitely allowed to attend the 4-H leader meetings and that they are full of useful information if you wanted to go.

We also talked about the medal program. The medal program committee has 3 levels, bronze, silver, and gold. There is a set of medals for each age group and you have to advance level by level on a variety of riding and written tests.

There is a Jumping Clinic on April 2nd from three to five  at the saddle club; if you would like to attend, please sign up at least one week in advance.

We discussed some fundraising ideas too. We were thinking that we could volunteer at the Winter Woolies and they would pay us in class tickets. If you are interested please confirm with Mary Jo.

Our enrollments are due on December 14th so make sure you get that turned in soon, although new members have until March to turn theirs in.

The Clover Crest annual Christmas party is going to be on December 19th at 7:00 pm at the Kukula's residence. There will be a secret santa, awards, food, and more.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finish Up those record books - Due 10/16

You can finish up your record books (from the Fair on to 9/30) and turn them in on October 16th to Marcia at the Extension office. They will be judged for the County Competition (and you'll have a complete record of your year).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Return of the Record Book!

Head down to the 4H Extension office to pick up your record books...

Did you know that record books can be completed with the remainder of the 4H year (through 9/31) and turned in AGAIN for the County Record Book competition?

That's right! They judge them again at the County level. Past winners have received pins, but you will be guaranteed a little kudos from your 4H leaders, AND you will have a very comprehensive document that covers a true full year of activities. Very handy!

I believe they are due again sometime during the first week of October, but check back for the exact date. I'll put it up on the calendar.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Links Added and Meeting 5/16

Reminder about the Business Meeting Wednesday, 5/16: Painting and Pizza! Be there or be square.

I added links to the right side of the blog page for Clark County Fair 2012 Entry Forms. Don't panic -- the completed forms aren't due until June 29th. At the business meeting on June 20th, I'm sure we'll set aside time to make sure everyone has their forms filled out and ready to hand in.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New pics -- please!

I think it's waaaay past time for some new pictures on the blog. Do you have any from recent 4h or other horse events? I'd love to freshen things up. Email them to Andrea.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Extreme Trail Riders at the Horse Expo!

Great job Aliva and Maggie for taking part in the Extreme Cowboy Trail Race at the 2012 Washington State Horse Expo, and a BIG congratulations to Aliva, making it to the championship day and taking second place in the youth division! Wahooo!

This was no easy course with 12 (?) obstacles with free rides at the start and finish of the race (that means going really fast fast fast around the rail) and a HUGE crowd of people screaming and yelling and music blaring, too. And just to make it more "extreme", you only have 30 seconds to get through each element. It's not trail for the feint of heart (how long would it take you to convince your horse to go over a teeter-totter bridge?)! A friend of our club, Amber Rios, made it into the top 10 of the adult division. A HUGE accomplishment and the competition was tough! The Columbian newspaper caught up with her in the warm-up ring and did a human interest angle on Amber... check it out:

So proud of our riders and a big thanks to the volunteers from our club who came out and set up the course, reset obstacles during the competition and had to put it all away after each day. It's heavy equipment and a lot of time on your feet. Thanks for your effort and time! And thanks to MaryJo and Stephanie for giving us the opportunity to help out! It might be the most glamorous volunteering opportunity we have all year -- remember the bathroom painting at the Saddle Club?? It's not as glamorous nor as "voluntary"!!

Can't wait to see you there!  :-)