Here are the minutes from March's Meeting...
At 7:16 pm we called to order
Maggie and Katelyn did the pledges
Old Business
T-Shirts- almost done making all of them, they will hopefully be done soon
Community Service- we need to come up w/a community service next meeting
Fundraisers- graveyard cleanup???
- PUD Car Wash
Jenessa, Maggie & Katelyn did demonstrations
Clover Crest Blog- leave a comment and send pictures to Andrea for the site
Showmanship/Riding Clinic in January
Skill A Thon- went AWESOME!
New Business
Spring Fling Silent Auction Items- kid themed basket so bring items
Northwest Horse Expo~ google search
April 17th Tack Sale @the saddle club- is the same day as our club ride meeting
Adjorn Meeting @ 8:50 pm
April 8: Record Book Training
April 12: 4-H scholarships due
April 17: Ride Meeting Saddle Club 10 am - 12 noon
April 21: Clover Crest Business Meeting
April 24: County Presentation Day
April 30: Fair Scholarship Applications due
May 1-2: Spring Fling Horse Show